Majority of Americans think media is too critical of US President Donald Trump: Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll

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US President Donald Trump
The majority of Americans believe that US President Donald Trump is being criticized by the media too much, a new poll shows.
According to the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Sunday, a growing number of Americans think the country is headed in the right direction under the new president.
Only 41 percent of the people believe the media is covering the Republican president fairly while 51percent say the media is too critical, the poll showed.
There has also been a surge in the number of those who believe the country is heading the right way under the New York billionaire, from 18 percent last July and 33 percent last December to 40 percent in the latest poll.
Men deliver ballots that were cast in Oakland County, Michigan from the 2016 US presidential race to be recounted at the Oakland County Schools building on December 5, 2016 in Waterford, Michigan. (Photo by AFP)
“He’s not another president; he’s their president,” said Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster involved in the poll along with a Democrat. “And Americans overall do view him more positively than negatively on being effective, bringing change to DC, being firm and decisive, direct and straightforward — and perhaps most importantly, dealing with the economy.”
Still, the real estate tycoon’s job approval rating stands lower at 41 percent, compared to 48 percent of the people disapproving of how he does his job.
The majority of the people, 47 percent, view the GOPer unfavorably while 43 percent view him favorably. 
The Republican nominee gained electoral victory on December 8, 2016 and became the US president despite losing the popular vote by around three million to his Democratic contender, Hillary Clinton.
Both before and after Election Day, Trump kept complaining that the vote is rigged against him but since his victory he has failed to offer any evidence.


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